Camp Herbol Cambium Saver
The Camp Herbal Cambium Saver is equipped with color-coded rings that enable easy identification of the ground removal end. Although its weight rating of 4,946 lbs falls slightly below ANSI standards, it remains a reliable choice for tree care professionals.
Camp’s Herbol is a ring-and-ring friction saver, available in two lengths, designed to provide a soft anchor system for creating anchor points from tree branches or around horizontal man-made structures. The Herbol features different colored rings to easily distinguish the ends for ground removal, and its strap is specifically designed to withstand the rigors of tree work while also protecting the tree. The anodized end rings are color-coded and different sizes to assist with installation and removal from the ground when used with a length of cord and the Herbol Ball. The Herbol friction savers have a weight rating of 4,946 lbs, which falls slightly below the ANSI standards.