Petzl – Top Croll L
The Top Croll L is the more robust Top Croll option for Petzl’s range of sit harnesses featuring the larger Croll unit which is optimised to be better with larger diameter ropes.
Metal sternal attachment point for fall arrest lanyards for longevity.
Please note this model requires a connector – Petzl Ring Open or delta maillon with captive bar – when used with sit harnesses other than the Astro Sit which has an openable ventral attachment point. The rear attachment requires the attachment point on Petzl’s sit harnesses.
Certification: CE EN 361 (with ASTRO SIT FAST, AVAO SIT, AVAO SIT FAST, FALCON, FALCON ASCENT, SEQUOIA SRT seat harness), CE EN 12841 type B, EAC