Scarbunny Needs U! (Scarlett’s Registry)
Scar was born on July 14 2005 at full term there was no sign of any complications. Scar was not meeting her milestones at the age of six months so we did a scan of her brain, that is when they told me that she has cerebral palsy. Scar cannot walk or talk but she is able to communicate what she needs. Scar is a blessing to our lives. she can brighten up the room in a second. Scar is almost eight and she is very bright. Her teachers say she is doing adequate work for her age.
Scar has desires, fears, and needs just like any other child. This will help her out tremendously. I want Scar to feel like any other child her age but sometimes she can’t do the thing they do and my heart hurts for her.
Scar is hoping to get a Rifton Activity Chair with a Hi-Lo Base!
Instructions (So Easy!):
1) Choose how much you’d like to Chip In to Scarbunny’s Registry
2) Check out and purchase either as a Guest or a Registered Customer.
3) Your Contribution will automatically be applied as store credit to her account, getting him one step closer to her goal!
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